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School garden
Students examining a tank of water during science
Students observing fish growth
Students working on a math project together
Math project collaboration
Group of kids at Doyle park with cups releasing fish
Releasing fish at Doyle Park
Bellevue students looking at a clear jello mold of the brain with words sticking out
Three students hugging the Bellevue Bulldog mascot
Student artwork of butterfly wings
Student artwork
Students standing outside in a circle examining the parts of flowers
Two students on a rope bridge during outdoor ed in the forest
Ropes Course at outdoor ed
Three students stand behind a food serving station at outdoor ed. one looks to the left, two are smiling and looking  direct
Student is suspended between trees at outdoor ed
two students smile in the sun during outdoor ed
Three students try edible flowers in the Bellevue garden

Upcoming Events

Bellevue Office Team

About Us

Your office team at Bellevue Elementary is (from left to right) Nina Craig - Principal, Amy Flores - Family Engagement Facilitator, Blanca Ramirez - Office Assistant, and Karina Martinez - Office Manager.

To reach the office please call 707-542-5195

Bellevue Office Team 2023 - four women stand in front of the words Bellevue Bulldogs

News & Announcements


CalKIDS automatically creates college savings accounts for eligible low-income public school students enrolled in first through 12th grade.  To check if you/your child is eligible or to access your/your child’s CalKIDS account, visit CalKIDS crea automáticamente cuentas de ahorro para la universidad para estudiantes elegibles de escuelas públicas de bajos ingresos inscritos en los grados primero a 12. Para verificar si usted o su hijo son elegibles o para acceder a su cuenta CalKIDS o la de su hijo, visite

Read More about CalKIDS
Cool school logo

We are fortunate to have a wonderful partnership with CalServes for our after-school and child care programs. Their team of professionals, including AmeriCorps members, provides our students with programming to complement the instructional program during the school day. Thanks to the CDE and Expanded Learning Opportunities funding this afterschool enrichment program is free and open to students enrolled in the Bellevue Union School District (space is limited). Enrollment is now open.

Read More about After School Care