Our Principal
Bellevue Elementary Principal - Mrs. Nina Craig
Phone: 707.542-5195
Email: ncraig@busd.org
Hello Bellevue Community! I have been the proud Principal of Bellevue since 2016. I started my career in education with Bellevue Union School District in 2005. First, as a student teacher and then was hired as a 5th grade teacher at Bellevue Elementary. My most favorite part of our school is the connectedness that our entire staff has with our students, parents, and community members. Our campus feels like home to so many and is a special place to all of us.
At Bellevue Elementary, students are supported at every level. Our dedicated teaching staff is committed to connecting with each student and family. Our office staff is the most supportive and helpful staff you could hope for. We strive to create a safe and challenging learning environment for each student by providing intervention, support, and extensions for those who need it. Bellevue staff understands and attends to the needs of students learning English as a second language. I am also proud of the fact that we have weekly music during the school day for TK-3rd grade students and marimba for our 4th and 5th grade students. 6th graders participate in Modern Music Method sessions for 8 weeks, and are offered the option of marimba after school free of charge. Additionally, we partner with Mr. Science to offer free after school science exploration twice a month. Students problem solve, explore, and create during these interactive lessons. Bellevue students thrive on our campus and we all work hard to determine what each child needs in order to be successful, happy, and ready for whatever the future holds!
We have an incredible parent network that meets monthly during Coffee with the Principal. These informal meetings provide an opportunity for parents to meet one another, share ideas, plan events, and discuss the goals of the school. More formal ways for parents to be involved are through our school's English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) and our School Site Council (SSC). These committees meet monthly as well and provide opportunities for parents to be a part of decision making and planning.
Group tours and individual tours are offered throughout the year! Whether you'd like to enroll your child, or join our incredible team, we are just a phone call or email away. 707.542.5195 or ncraig@busd.org